Take care of your self.
Notice if you’re aware of any sensations you are with.
Feel your sensations.
Try to feel your sensations fully.
If you can’t, notice what is getting in the way.
Do you notice any places in your body that are hot.
Are there any areas causing you discomfort?
Try to listen to what this places are telling you about what you need.
Try to meet your needs.
See if you can meet them fully.
And then take a breath.
Let your breath release what discomfort you notice.
Notice if you can’t.
If you can’t,
notice what you do instead.
Notice if there is numbness, or a sensations connected to feelings you can’t identify,
or something you use to distract yourself.
First awareness, best awareness. There are no wrong answers here.
Stay there for as long as you need to learn more about your self.
And then let your breath bring some care to what you notice.
If you can’t, notice how you respond to your what you notice.
Find out if you care about it.
If you don’t, notice what you do instead.
Now breath in care again. Notice what your learned.
This is one way to take good care of your self.